The singer, who guest starred on The Simpsons in the episode - Michael Jackson (June 25, 2009, died August 29, 1958), "Stark Raving Dad". He was doing voice speaks Kompowsky Lyon under the pseudonym John Jay Smith. Jackson was a fan of the show [1], and called Matt Groening for one night, and offered to do a guest spot. [2] was pitched the idea of the workshop by James Brooks, wrote the scenario Jean-Qaeda and Reiss Mike [3] in an early version of the script, and decided to take Homer Barney in rehab, but when I started working there Homer to madness doctors assumed he was one may been committed. [2] Jackson pitched several story ideas for the workshop, including Bart says everyone in town that Michael Jackson was coming to his house. [3] also requested several modifications in the scenario, including that it wants to be a scene that was Bart wrote a song and asked to be a joke about Prince one change on Elvis Presley